Friday, November 30, 2012


Now all throughout this long month of November,
  we watch the year decay and days grow brief;
  haunted by ages past, urged to remember,

and earth too, mute and somber in its grief:
  the waning sunlight like a dying ember,
  criss-crossed bare branches in austere motif,

first winter wind on unprepared skin tingling,
  and mud-trod brown of decomposing leaf
  with poppy red and pale frost intermingling;

…But finally the change, though all too slow:
  December! Silver bells, begin your jingling!
  Now falls pure white the gently cloaking snow,

and everywhere all join in eager song
  with candles lit and loving hearts aglow...
  ...And truly? Tell me: all this lasts -- how long?

For year by year continues to appall:
   war, famine, hatred, unimagined wrong
   grinds on; and quite distinctly I recall

that Hope and Peace came 'round this time last year.
   Soon tinsel fades, the gifts cease to enthrall,
   and firmest resolutions now appear,

in growing daylight, but a wishful dream.
   So is this it -- light sentimental cheer?
   And Christmas just another passing meme?

Know this: the weeping world's twelvemonth-long sadness
   is nowhere near so easy to redeem.
   Though many idly speak of Joy and Gladness,

the few who've heard the angel voices ringing
   will pause a while, in silence. ...Is it madness?
   Or have we only ceased to hear their singing?

And where has gone the star's eternal light?
   So now: let us return to the beginning.
   Draw near to listen, closing both eyes tight --
   Come back with me to that first Advent night.


  1. Oh, read it again for the rhyme scheme!
    And then again, as a gift with our name on it.
    (Thanks, Cristalle.)

  2. From Agita,

    Thank you. this is so very beautiful. Life is such a mixture of joy and sorrow. Sometimes it is hard to endure. I was reading Kos last night and I clicked onto this. I was very sore at heart because my husband was in the hospital.

    This brought comfort and helped give me peace.

  3. How beautiful, Cristalle! Like bittersweet chocolate your poetry has captured the feeling and essence of this particular Holiday Season. Looking forward to reading all of these. Thank you so much for creating this blog. ~sh
